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SANDAWES - Services
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Experiences have power to transform consumers’ attitudes and behaviors. Luxury is an experience.

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Service Design

CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT / Through analysis and business intelligence we develop existing services to meet luxury standards. We also design new concepts, which engender unique experiences to your customers. We use advanced Customer Journey Mapping (CJM) tools.

PHYSICAL SPACES / With every physical object you communicate your brand. What makes a space luxurious and functional, is not about the money spent on design furniture, but good taste and an eye for details. We make sure that your interiors and exteriors are coherent with your luxury brand identity.

SERVICE EDUCATION / Service is one of the most crucial elements of a luxury experience. We believe that more than lack of skills, poor service stems from wrong attitudes. We offer tailored service education packages for companies.

Brand Development

BRAND IDENTITY / Brand identity is the core idea and essence of your offering. A luxury brand is essentially highly symbolic and thus, has a strong brand identity. We use various tools and methods, that are specifically tailored for building a luxury brand identity. Brand identity development is done through workshops and design sessions.

VISUAL BRAND IDENTITY / Visual shape follows the content. This means that no logo can be created before the story, idea and the meaning of the brand is known and well defined. If brand identity is the soul of a brand, visual brand identity is the looks, feel, taste, scent and sound of the brand. We carefully transform the meaning of your brand into elements for every sense.

BRAND MANAGEMENT EDUCATION / Despite the trend of consumers co-creation of brands, a brand needs to be managed. Luxury brand management is not only maintaining a coherent image: it is as much about company culture and employees, and strategic choices concerning every detail of business model. We offer brand management education workshops and seminars, which can be tailored according to participants’ needs.


WEBSITES / We develop your digital services using the most current technologies. We make sure, that your website suits your brand identity, is usable and functioning on any device, is informative and beautiful, and creates pleasurable user experiences. And of course, attracts more customers.

eCOMMERCE / Some luxury products and services can be sold online. The trick is to know what you can sell and how. To support a luxury brand, your eCommerce site has to meet luxury customer expectations. We provide the most elegant and usable online solutions.

SOCIAL MEDIA / Promoting luxury on social media is tricky business - but highly effective when executed the right way. We have extensive know-how on social luxury, and guide you through social luxury challenges.


STRATEGY / A plan of how, where, when and to whom to communicate exclusiveness and perfection is an essential part of luxury strategy. We help you with your strategy work, or carefully design the whole package.

CONTENT / Luxury is storytelling. It is based on innuendo, semiotics and artistic connotations, and most of all, it is highly visual. Luxury advertising is not really advertising but art. We produce elegant contents for any media and occasion.

CHANNELS / It is of utmost importance to communicate through right channels - not only to reach the right customers, but to manage your luxury image. We suggest the optimal omni-channel strategy for your luxury.

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